Express Medicals is SEQOHS Accredited

At Express Medicals, we’re committed to providing an ongoing annual programme of quality improvement, assessment, and maintenance – that’s why we have been accredited in SEQOHS.

What does SEQOHS stand for?

SEQOHS stands for Safe, Effective, Quality Occupational Health Service.

What is SEQOHS?

SEQOHS is the gold set of standards designed for occupational health services in the UK and beyond. It’s a formal recognition that an occupational health service provider has demonstrated that it has the competence to deliver against the strict measures set in the SEQOHS standards.

The scheme is managed by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, the professional and educational body for occupational medicine in the UK. SEQOHS is available in Ireland and is endorsed by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.

How were we assessed?

To become accredited, Express Medicals had to demonstrate their adherence to the SEQOHS standards, all of which we have successfully passed. These are categorised into six domains:

A: Business probity
B: Information Governance
C: People
D: Facilities and Equipment
E: Relationships with Purchasers
F: Relationships with Workers

What does this mean for medicals conducted?

Our customers can be reassured that Express Medicals are meeting the highest possible standards in Occupational Health and our services provided remain unchanged. We’re proud to showcase this accreditation as a badge of quality service provided to our customers and employees.

For more information

If you’d like more information on SEQOHS, visit their site.


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